EST. 1992

Falcon Creek Hydrology and Hydraulic Study, Cobourg, Ontario
Client: City of Burlington

Valdor Engineering Inc. was retained by the City of Burlington to prepare a hydrology and hydraulic study for Falcon Creek including flood remediation assessment. Existing unapproved hydrologic and hydraulic models using GAWSER, SWMHYMO and HEC-RAS, respectively, were reviewed along with comments on the models from the City and Conservation Halton. A new hydraulic model was prepared using HEC-GeoRAS and digital elevation mapping (DEM) obtained from Conservation Halton in order to complete the floodplain mapping along Falcon Creek from 200 m upstream of the CN Railway to the mouth at Hamilton Harbour. Problem flooding areas and spill points were
identified and hydraulic structures analyzed for capacity issues. Based on this analysis, it was determined that under existing conditions, there are spill points upstream of the CNR tracks and in the vicinity of Plains Road East. The capacity of the piped portion of Falcon Creek beginning along Willowbrook Road near Dorset Avenue was found to have capacity to convey the 25-year storm, leading to flow overtopping the road and being conveyed overland in larger events including the Regional event, which results in the potential flooding and spill points near Plains Road. Finally, investigations and an evaluation of various options to provide quantity, quality and erosion control to minimize the impacts from proposed future development and to provide recommendations to reduce the extent of existing flooding at the golf

course were completed. Fluvial geomorphology investigations prepared as part of this study were used to assess existing erosion concerns and in evaluating options to mitigate impacts on erosion
from existing and proposed future development within the Falcon Creek watershed.
Project Profile - Water Resources
Consulting Engineers & Project Managers

Fenelon Falls Drainage Study, EA, Detailed Design and Construction Services, Fenelon Falls, City of Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Client: City of Kawartha Lakes

Valdor Engineering Inc. was retained by the City of Kawartha Lakes to prepare a drainage study and to make recommendations for a drainage outlet for the proposed new arena and community centre as well as other development considerations located in the Village of Fenelon Falls (Basin DD) adjacent the Trent-Severn Waterway. The purpose of the study was to prepare a conceptual drainage outlet to accommodate the identified future development areas without exacerbating the existing flooding problems within Basin DD. Included in the study was a detailed storm sewer survey and hydraulic analysis (HGL) to evaluate existing flow capacity of the storm sewer system and flood plain

modelling to assess the extent of flooding throughout the drainage basin. Surveys and hydraulic calculations were also completed to determine the rating curve for an identified flow split area where flow was noted to spill to an adjacent catchment. The successful completion of the project and endorsement by City Council of the recommended mitigation plan followed the Municipal Class EA
process (Schedule B). A subsequent contract was awarded to Valdor for the detailed design and contract administration for the North Street storm sewer and road re-construction including the outfall at the base of the falls.
Project Profile - Water Resources
Consulting Engineers & Project Managers