EST. 1992

Site Plan
VALDOR provides engineering services in support of Site Plan applications for many types of development including, low-rise and high-rise condominium developments, elementary and secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, industrial sites, commercial sites, libraries, arenas, health centres, long term care facilities, seniors buildings, places of worship, municipal buildings, parks and recreation spaces, aboriginal housing, affordable housing, etc.
Our projects include green field developments, re-developments, as well as building additions and site improvements. Our engineers have expert knowledge in storm drainage and grading standards as well as watermain and sanitary sewer design criteria for municipalities throughout the Greater Toronto Area.
The engineering services offered by VALDOR include site servicing (e.g. water, sanitary and storm), grading and stormwater management (e.g. storm drainage including water quality and quantity control, water balance, phosphorus balance, hydraulic grade line (HGL) analysis, and low impact development (LID) practices). Our services include the preparation of site servicing & grading plans, stormwater management reports and functional servicing reports.
As a member of the Canada Green Building Council, VALDOR has an in-depth knowledge of the LEED® program of sustainable design. LEED® accreditation demonstrates our staff commitment to the understanding and implementation of green building and site practices.
Our experience in the modeling of low impact development (LID), at-source practices such as green roofs, bio-retention, permeable pavement, soak-away pits, rainwater harvesting and detention facilities will assist in achieving the current stormwater quantity, treatment and water balance objectives of the approval authorities. VALDOR has extensive experience with municipalities and Conservation Authorities throughout the GTA and therefore has extensive understanding of their requirements with respect to stormwater management, floodplain analysis as well as erosion and sediment control.
VALDOR is ready to collaborate with your design team and integrate our sustainable site solutions on your next project. For more information related to our Site Plan Engineering Design Services, or to request a proposal, please contact our Heads of Municipal Design, David Giugovaz, P.Eng. (dgiugovaz@valdor-engineering.com) or Peter Zourntos, P.Eng. (pzourntos@valdor-engineering.com).