EST. 1992

Healthcare Developments
Consulting Civil Engineers - Site Services, Grading & Stormwater Management

VALDOR has developed several specialized areas of practice related to site plan engineering design, including high-rise mixed use developments, townhouse developments, industrial / commercial developments, educational facilities, seniors buildings and long term care facilities, affordable housing, parks and recreation, municipal buildings, healthcare facilities, places of worship, libraries, aboriginal housing and LEED developments.

Servicing and Grading Design
Stormwater Management
Design of External Works
Site Access Improvements
Erosion and Sediment Control
Contract Administration
Site Inspections
A selection of HEALTHCARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS for which VALDOR has provided a variety of engineering services is provided below.
Unison Community Health Centre,
Toronto (North York District), Ontario
Client: Hilditch Architects Inc.
Owner: Unison Health Services and Toronto District School Board
Valdor prepared a site servicing and grading design as well as stormwater management report for a new health centre building on the campus of the Northview Secondary School. The project was an effort between Unison Health Services and the Toronto District School Board. In order to accommodate the new building, existing driveways and parking lots had to be re-located and expanded.
In order to address City of Toronto’s stormwater management criteria, bio-retention swales were incorporated into the site design early in the project design stage. In a collaborative effort with the architect and landscape architect the swales were successfully integrated into the parking lot design and addressed the school boards desire for low maintenance.
These bio-retention swales included concrete curb inlets, a perforated riser in a gravel jacket, an infiltration system and a ditch inlet catchbasin structure for overflow.

The site servicing design included the investigation using CCTV inspection of sewers to determine the location of existing site sewers. Re-routing of an existing school site sanitary sewer was required to accommodate the proposed building. New sanitary and water service connections were designed in order to service the new building independently of the existing school building.