EST. 1992

Parks & Recreation Developments
Consulting Civil Engineers - Site Services, Grading & Stormwater Management

VALDOR has developed several specialized areas of practice related to site plan engineering design, including high-rise mixed use developments, townhouse developments, industrial / commercial developments, educational facilities, seniors buildings and long term care facilities, affordable housing, parks and recreation, municipal buildings, healthcare facilities, places of worship, libraries, aboriginal housing and LEED developments.

Servicing and Grading Design
Stormwater Management
Design of External Works
Site Access Improvements
Erosion and Sediment Control
Contract Administration
Site Inspections
VALDOR has worked successfully with many professional landscape architectural firms to provide site servicing and stormwater management solutions for their park projects. In addition, VALDOR’s experienced staff often collaborate with the project landscape architect to integrate sustainable site solutions where feasible.
A selection of PARKS & RECREATION DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS for which VALDOR has provided a variety of engineering services is provided below.
Toronto Zoo Re-Development – Tundra Trek Exhibit
CLR Design
Site servicing and grading design and stormwater management analysis for the $12M Tundra Trek Exhibit. The 10 Acre exhibit is anchored by a state of the art polar bear habitat as well as snow geese, Arctic foxes and wolves, reindeer and snowy owls.
Toronto Zoo Re-Development – Canadian Wilderness Exhibit
CLR Design
Site servicing and grading design and stormwater management analysis for the $30M Canadian Wilderness Exhibit. This exhibit showcases some of the most important landscapes in the country and the species they support.

Wellesley Central Park, Toronto
Wellesley Central Health Corporation
Site servicing design for a new urban park as part of a downtown re-development project.
Allan Gardens Revitalization Plan, Toronto
The Landplan Collaborative Ltd.
Function servicing report to support the revitalization of Allan Gardens including an assessment of the existing site servicing, the determination of available capacity of the site services and recommendations with respect to required improvements. Founded in 1858, Allan Gardens is one of the oldest parks in Toronto.
Apple Blossom Park, Vaughan
Landscape Planning Limited
Based on the grading design prepared by the project landscape architect a storm drainage design was developed for a new municipal park which includes a junior and senior playground, a mini soccer field and sitting areas.
Artificial Turf Sports Fields, Oakville, Burlington, Milton & Halton Hills
Salmona Tregunno Inc.
Storm drainage assessment for seven new artificial turf fields located on existing public and catholic high school sites throughout Halton Region. The projects involved the conversions from existing natural turf fields as well as the construction of new running tracks. Our work involved investigating the existing school site storm sewer system based on available record drawings and CCTV sewer video inspections, determining an appropriate storm outlet location and extending the storm sewer to the field. A stormwater management brief was prepared for each site to address the impact of the increased storm runoff rates resulting from the use of the significantly more permeable artificial turf drainage system to the satisfaction of the municipality and the local conservation authority.

City View Park, Burlington
The Landplan Collaborative Ltd.
Stormwater management analysis and site drainage design for a 30 hectare, $22M municipal park located at the corner of Kearns Road and Dundas Street on the Niagara Escarpment in the northwest portion of Burlington. The completed first phase includes two artificial turf soccer fields, parking, trails, a playground and a series of ponds that form the stormwater management system. Once all phases are completed, it will be the largest park in the city, and will include the addition of baseball diamonds, natural turf soccer fields, and a pavilion.

North Wentworth Twin Pad Arena, Hamilton
RDH Architects Inc.
Site servicing and grading design including new sanitary and water service connections for the proposed twin pad arena. The project also included the storm drainage design for the proposed 300 space parking lot. Targeted for LEED® Silver accreditation, various low impact development (LID) measures were considered in order to treat the storm runoff from the parking lot. A series of bio-retention swales were selected as the preferred solution in order to satisfy Sustainable Site Credit 6.2.

Whipper Watson Park, Georgina
Henry Kortekaas & Associates Inc.
Site servicing design for improvements to an existing municipal park including sanitary and water site services to support a new water play area and splash pad. A storm drainage system was designed to support the addition of several new park features including tennis courts, a play ground, a basketball court as well as seating areas with shade structures.
Artificial Turf Soccer Field, Seasonal Dome & Club House, Markham
Baker Turner Inc.
Site servicing design and stormwater management analysis for a proposed artificial turf sports field, seasonal dome and club house on the campus of the St. Robert Catholic Secondary School. The project was a joint venture between the Town and the School Board with funding provided by the federal and provincial governments through their respective recreational infrastructure programs. The design included the extension of water and sanitary services to the club house and the assessment of the impact of the increased runoff from the artificial turf drainage system.

Riverwood Park McEwan Terrace, Mississauga
The Landplan Collaborative Ltd.
Site servicing design for the proposed terraces and formal gardens and the future community centre including an analysis of the required modifications to the existing stormwater management facility. The MacEwan Terrace at Riverwood project won a Regional Merit Award in the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects' - Awards of Excellence programme.

Community Garden, Regent Park, Toronto
Hilditch Architect Inc.
Preparation of a rainwater harvesting design brief in support of a Live Green Toronto funding application by a not-for-profit organization. Rainwater from the roof of the proposed affordable / assisted housing building would be collected in a cistern. Water would be drawn from the cistern using an old fashioned hand pump, which is still commercially available today, to irrigate the community garden. Vegetables produced in the community garden would be available for meal preparation in the community kitchen.

Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington
Camilla & Peter Daglish Atrium &
Aldershot Escarpment Garden
Diamond and Schmitt Architects
Site servicing and grading design for the proposed gateway building addition including the sunken terraces and a parking lot expansion at Canada’s largest botanical garden. Collaboration with consulting team and stormwater analysis integrating measures such as oil / grit separator for stormwater quality treatment and cistern for rainwater re-use for landscape irrigation.

Henderson Memorial Park, Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury
Landscape Planning Limited
Site servicing and storm water management design for the proposed 38 hectare community park. The park includes various active and passive recreational uses including, soccer fields, two field houses, shade structures, water play splash pad, multi-use courts, playgrounds, picnic areas, trails and parking lots. The servicing design included the extension of a municipal watermain and a tertiary treatment septic system. The stormwater management design included wetlands, watercourse re-alignment, water re-use and bio-retention swales. Construction is anticipated in 2016.
Andrew McCandless Park, Brampton
Landscape Planning Limited
Site servicing and stormwater management design for the proposed 15 hectare community park. The park will include various natural turf sports fields, a comfort station building containing washrooms, mechanical areas and storage space as well as an amenity area which includes play structures, shade structures, a water play splash pad, skateboard facility, multi-purpose courts and walkways and trails. The stormwater management analysis included on-site detention and a water balance assessment for a constructed wetland. Construction is anticipated in 2016.

Markham Sports Dome, Markham
Landscape Planning Limited
Site servicing design and stormwater management analysis for an artificial turf sports field, dome and club house on the campus of the Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy. The project was a joint venture between the York Catholic District School Board and First Service Tennis Management Inc. (FSTM), an indoor sports management group. The design included the extension of water and sanitary services to the club house, an assessment of the impact of the increased runoff from the artificial turf drainage system and the extension of the existing storm drainage system.